Only two days to go before the big trip. Tom flies out tomorrow ahead of us (he is there for an extra two days) - whilst Kalin and I are flying out Friday night.
The trip will basically break down to:
5 days in Tokyo (7 for Tom) - then
1 day in the Alps for hot springs resort (Onsen) - then
4 days in Osaka with one whole day of activity in Kyoto and lastly
returning to Tokyo for one day - before Tom heads back home to Sydney whilst Kalin and I are back to Hong Kong where I'll meet up with my family and Kalin has a wedding to go to.
The Feeling at the moment - is high with excitement. After so many years of talk between us, we have finally realised a childhood dream of hanging out with some best mates in Japan. I guess this stems back to early High school days - when we were all influenced greatly by the Japanese culture through the broken episodes of Japanese Animation. Watching Ryo Saeba (City Hunter) in Shinjuku only makes me want to visit these places even more. So yes, finally I get to go there to check out the MyCity shopping complex (and probably even write "XYZ" somewhere just for fun of it - note all City Hunter fans).
We are pretty much all packed up and ready to rock. Hopefully I will have to time to keep everyone updated with the trip. The challenge however, is that Internet Access is pretty limited over in Japan for Gaijin (foreigners). My posts will have to be done through leeching/hacking people's WIFI points or yucky public internet cafes (which I distrust). Mobile access (Roaming) cost an arm and a leg (but thankfully the boss is signing off on getting at least basic emails). Hotel prices are ridiculous ($15 for a day). Anyhow.. I'm bringing my sexy Pentax SLR with 18-200mm lens, my Dell Hackintosh Netbook, my trusty N97 phone and my Garmin preloaded with Asian maps. Yes.. I'm a technophile and shit me, I wont change.. hahah
Two more sleeps to go - but a bit uneasy since I have to ensure that all my busy workloads are backed up whilst I am away. I will be reading my work email, so you can contact me through that. Also, I have VOIP access through my N97 so I can call back if anyone misses me too much.. :P
Mind you.. Japan isnt the only thing on my mind at the moment. I miss my family dearly and have not seen them for a month now. Will see them on the second leg of my entire trip - when I fly from Japan back to Hong Kong. Just hoping Cheryl doesnt forget me too much by the time I get back.. :)
Anyway.. enough ranting.. time to sign out.. Hope you enjoy my blog, come back to check whenever. I wont write too formal in here and excuse the broken English.. hahah
The trip looks fun.. but it is violating for me too look at your food/animal pictures :p