Saturday 17th: Woke up in the morning with a nice clearing sky which confirmed it was a good day. We decided to spend the morning washing our clothes (as we are fast running out) and then make short trip to Kyoto from Osaka. It was lucky that the hotel at Osaka offers free internet access (which is where this blog is coming from) and through the powers of google and google maps, we eventually located one not too far from the hotel (about 1km or so). After dropping the clothes in, we took the train to Kyoto and arrived there after 12.
Our original intentions was to ride around Kyoto to cover the distances since the city is not exactly small and distances between attractions was quite large. Basically the day was spent riding around the city to various temples and checking out the tourist attractions available. By the time we had lunch and made our way to the old palace, it was already 4:30pm and they had closed by that time (giving us only a pic of the outskirts). Also visited the imperial gardens nearby and then rode back to the station to drop off the bikes.
We did not find a place to eat Kobe steaks, so Tom was a bit disappointed and we ended up eating some cheap Noodle meals and combos (although they just came back from their night drifts and apparently ate Whale blubber..hahah).
sounds like a short day? not really. Getting a little sick (runny nose, sinus etc) along with a damaged leg and foot from the walking and riding (nearly stacked it three times today at various locations).
Anyway.. enjoy the pics.. tomorrow is an Osaka day hopefully.
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