Tuesday 20th April: Today is the finale for the Japanese leg of our trip. We basically spent the morning going through evaluating Japan and talking to each other about various aspects of the trip including whether or not we shall return. My summary of it was this: Japan is a fantastic place to visit and that this trip will not be my last (for I have promised the wife to take her to Hokkaido on our 10th Wedding anniversary). But the for most part, the "Mecca" that we all have longed to visit is just that - something that we yearned for more and more, but when we got there, it really is another Asian country (most polite country too). The experience had been fantastic and we all thoroughly enjoyed it - but at the end of the day, I guess we have dreamt Japan up to be semi mythical place that maybe had set the standards too high.
We spent the remainder of our time going back to the heart of Tokyo to us - Shinjuku and had the final meals and did our final bit of exploring and shopping (well, went to Bic Camera again - the Japanese counterpart to my employer in Australia). We left to go back to the hotel after midday to pick up our luggage and head off to the airport for our 5 hour trip to Hong Kong.
Ended up taking the wrong train (not the Narita express - but the standard JR line which stopped at nearly every goddamn station) but still got there. I guess there is a sigh of relief since this trip has been rather exhausting and rushed to visit so many places. I was most eager to get back to see the family and the kids especially since I have not seen them for over 6 weeks.
Flight back was pretty peaceful and we even got to view Taipei from the night sky on the way back (pretty damn awesome, but cant take the pic since the double glass is crap on the lens).
Arrived in HK about an hour late - and immediately we were greeted with the typical Monsoonal HK weather of humidity. We were basically drowning in our own sweat and the air was almost not breathable due to the vapours. Thank god for airconditioning though.. hahaha
Family arrives into HK tomorrow and have a very packed scheduled along the next few weeks catching up with relos, inlaws and friends (where possible)... :)